Thursday, 31 March 2011

Back in Oz

Flew back from NZ to Melbourne this afternoon, bus to CBD then a train out to Hallam to hook up with Geoff Kelly, who has refitted the metering unit, sorted the car and given it a pre-Targa once over, changed the pads, oil etc. Thanks Geoff, I'm hugely grateful for your assistance both at Phillip Island and since - the cheque is in the post!

Jason is halfway here, and should be here by breakfast time, complete with luggage full of yet more spares!

Car is once again in the car park underneath the Olsen in South Yarra. It is filthy, so I'd like to give it a clean tomorrow if feasible, but I don't have anything with me, will talk to the friendly concierge. It does need a clean, as it is time I got the Sponsors logos stuck on it ... The XL logos that I got made up here, and some stickers from OAMPs who've been very helpful with a couple of insurance issues I had.

I've also got to sort out hardwiring the in-car camera into the car, and fitting it somewhere it'll get a decent view when Jason and I are both in the car.

We're off to David Ogg's tomorrow pm, to load up cars (which means unloading some of my stuff into his, it will be good to be able to see out again!) We also need to fit Jason into one or other of the cars! David lives just 500m from the Spirit of Tasmania ferry, so once we're done we might actually grab a beer!

Next stop - TASMANIA!

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